WITH so many XXX rated sites out there it can be hard to choose the right one to join both to match your budget and tastes and an expert porn reviews site like PornTips.com can really point the way to the best porno around.
It’s taken me a long time to find a review site that maintains its independence and refuses to buckle under the pressure of marking down a legendary site at the risk of losing a sale or two. Yeah believe it or not porn review sites do want to make money and that’s why many of them falsely mark up sites that really don’t deserve it!
However here you can rest assured the experienced and knowledgeable team of XXX reviewers (nice work if you can get it lol) at PornTips.com really have set high standards for any site – no matter how famous – to live up to.
As the site owner said:
“Too many people get ripped off by poor members areas filled with rubbish content that gives really bad value for money. I had been ripped off more than once by such sites – and thought it was about time a review site came along that was honest and set high standards for all porn sites no matter how so called legendary they are. And so I launched Porn Tips and I’m thrilled it’s growing and getting such a good and honest reputation.”
The team of expert reviewers cover every single kind of porn under the sun from amateur – anal – teens – babes – trannys and gay and their work is becoming an industry standard. If these guys say a site is good then owners can expect a high volume of sales and a lot of happy porn fans.
The best porn sites on the planet come under the teams exacting eye with the current overall top site the mighty Met Art – I’ll let you check what’s the lowest of the low!
Sites are marked out of a possible 100 points and the reviews are crisply written with a nice balance of cold hard facts and figures and well argues opinions on why a site marks as it does.
And with its growing reputation in the industry PornTips.com has now been able to secure exclusive and juicy discounts for some of the best known and indeed loved porn sites on the web. Yet another reason why this amazing site needs to be high in your bookmarks.